Let’s face it, dealing with the government and doctors never seems to be easy nor quick. I have a couple ideas to finally get these items off your list to travel more safely.
1-You always knew that you should let the US Embassy know of your travels abroad though that seems like a long and complicated process, right?! Now it’s not. Take a few minutes and register at the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program https://travelregistration.state.gov . After the initial sign up, you can easily enter in each trip itinerary info before you depart. This way the State Department can assist you in an emergency.
2- Going somewhere you may need to get vaccinated? You can find out what vaccines are recommended through the CDC http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/ . Call your physician and make an appointment for travel vaccinations. Most physicians will do this in their office or they will direct you to a clinic that specializes in it. If you can, allow 4 – 6 weeks prior to travel so that your vaccinations are working. They will also give you a card with all of your updated vaccinations that easily fits into your passport.
Just some quick information to make your life easier when traveling abroad 🙂