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Friendly Reminder-Renew Your Passport Now
Passport Expiring Soon? Renew It Now

If you have a United States passport expiring any time in 2016 or 2017, the State Department has a message: Renew it now. The department anticipates a surge in passport demand throughout this year as a flood of renewals of 10-year passports issued in 2006 and 2007. This is when the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative went into effect, for the first time requiring passports for Americans returning by air from Mexico, Canada, the Caribbean and Bermuda.

If you already have a passport, be sure to see how much longer it’s valid. Your passport is valid for 10 years, but remember that your children’s passports are only valid for 5 years. Many countries require that your passport have 6 months of validity on it when you enter the country.  So if your passport expires in 5 months and you plan to travel, that won’t work. You need to renew!

Start the process now.  It’s easy.  Click here to go directly to the US Passport Website.

Amy Seng |  Wedding Group Travel Specialist |  847.485.0018  |

Author philaiellomarketing

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