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Take a Vacation from your Food Allergy!

Food allergies, it’s not just for seafood anymore!  Gluten free, peanut allergies, lactose intolerant, vegan lifestyles, are just a few of the diet restrictions that could keep someone from traveling.  I’m here to offer a few tips for traveling for the allergy conscious.

1- Do your research and know what local fare you will be feasting on.
2- Know the language.  Brush up on the native tounge and specifically learn the key words to describe your allergy.  These travel translation cards are a great idea:
3-Prepare your self for the worst.  Bring along extra meds to fight off any reactions. 
4-Eat when you can.  If your lunch restaurant has a lot of options, take advantage of it.  Then having a small dinner due to few choices won’t seem so bad.
5-Be polite. Just as your mom always told you.  You will get better service and more choices the nicer you are.

If you would rather take a vacation from your food allergy, you could always visit a Sandals or Beaches resort.  They have a culinary desk at each resort to take care of your every need.  You can contact the resort ahead of time, let them know your allergy and they will assign you a chef for your entire stay.  When you arrive, you will meet with your chef and go into depth about your allergy.  Then at each meal your chef will have planned your meal, leaving you to just relax and not worry.  This is such great news for parents traveling with children with food allergies.  Less stress, more fun!  I’m a Certified Sandals Specialist if you would like to learn more about this program.

Amy Seng, Travel Consultant,, 847-529-0041,

Author philaiellomarketing

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